The Most Trusted Name in Property Management

Tenant Portal

Just For Tenants



Register and manage your account online.

  • Be provided with insight into your ledger history, late fee policy, current balance, set-up auto-pay so you never miss a payment, and more!

  • Make your life easier by submitting maintenance requests and general questions online. 

  • Easily learn about important news and be kept up to speed about parking bans, office hours, or even fun events in your neighborhood.

  • Have access to important files, like leases or move-in reports, for recordkeeping.

  • Find the contact information you need for any situation by having a directory filled with staff members, vendors, municipal departments, and more.

Resident Login


Submit a Notice to Vacate

In order to submit a notice to vacate, you must fill out the form below completely, print it, and mail it to Metcalf Property Management no later than 30 days prior to the date you plan on vacating the premises. All signatures must be in ink. We MUST receive this notice NO LATER than 30 days prior to the date you plan on vacating. 

Upon your eventual move-out, if you have a pet, the next resident of the property may not have a pet and/or may have a pet allergy. Therefore, upon vacating the property Tenant is responsible:

  • To have the carpets and any tile professionally cleaned and chemically deodorized.

  • For professional pest control for all possible animal borne pests including, but not necessarily limited to, fleas and ticks.

If you fail to provide receipts for the above services at the time of move-out we will perform them at your expense and the costs for said services will be deducted from your security deposit.

Pet Policy

California law gives landlords the right to set a "no pets" policy on apartments or rental homes. Landlords can refuse to rent to someone with a pet, or a particular type of pet, and can evict a tenant who brings one home when the lease says not to. Therefore, not all properties accept pets and it is up to the property owner to decide on what their pet policy is for their listing. Take the time to refer to the specific listing that you are interested in to confirm if that particular property accepts pets.

Metcalf Property Management requires all tenants obtain renter's insurance. Your pet must be listed on your renter's policy. 


Submit your credit check

Prior to becoming an approved tenant of Metcalf Property Management, you must first submit a credit check. You will receive log-in information and a pin number from our offices so that you can securely enter your information.