The Most Trusted Name in Property Management

SoCal Living Blog

Living Life At It’s Finest

"Safer At Home" and Metcalf Property Management

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Metcalf Property Management is working diligently and closely to ensure that we are following the recommended guidelines of the CDC as well as being in compliance with Governor Newsom’s “Safer At Home” restrictions. “Safer At Home” mandates that everyone who is a non-essential worker must remain at home until the projected date of April 19th. Click the “Safer At Home” link for a complete list of occupations that may still go to work as well as frequently asked questions. As you will see from the article, Property Management is deemed as essential which means Metcalf Property Management will remain open to manage the day to day operations.

It is the utmost importance to us that everyone abide by the precautions and guidelines put in place by the CDC to ensure the safety of all staff, Owners, and Tenants. We would ask tenants who usually submit rent checks in person to our offices, to instead use the US Postal Service or drop their checks off in our mail slot located to the left of our entrance, as reception services will not be available at the front desk.

We are still delivering our regular property management and leasing services, and maintaining sanitary and safety conditions. As of now, you don’t have to worry about anything shutting down on our end. 

Although it’s mostly “Business As Usual” at Metcalf Property Management, we know and understand that many businesses and families are struggling during this time. We intend to continue to stay up to date with the latest and nearly daily updates, guidelines, and restrictions this pandemic brings to our lives and plan to adapt accordingly.

While headlines and newsfeeds claim uncertainty, we continue to commit to providing you with service that reflects “The Most Trusted Name in Property Management”. In these uncertain times, your home and your safety remain our top priority. We are here for you, and available to address all your concerns or questions during this time.

Ashley Prange